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Spring- Fling


Head Start was excited to be a part of the Annual Spring Fling event of 2024, courtesy of the Colleges of Hest & Arts and Sciences. Our team soaked up the lively atmosphere and indulged in delicious pizza and Canes. The day was packed with fun games, exciting giveaways, and a strong sense of community. It was a fantastic opportunity for us to connect with families and spread awareness about early childhood education. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this memorable celebration!
Headstart attended spring
Health Event Flyer 


Thank you for joining us at Las Cruces High School for our recent wellness event, "Don't Worry, Be Healthy!" We're delighted to announce that Head Start hosted a fantastic table event, where nutritious fruits, books were distributed after engaging the kids in playful games. Your participation made the day a success, promoting health and happiness in our community.
Headstart attended HealthEvent